Statistics demonstrate that gamblers spend far more money using non-cash methods of payment than they do in situations where it is essential to make a live, cash payment for gambling services, according to the findings of a social survey performed by the British charity Consumer Voice.
The findings of the British regulator’s investigation on traditional casinos were made public.
More than 80% of respondents reported exceeding their budgetary allotments while making purchases with a credit card or money order, according to the preliminary findings. More than two-thirds of those surveyed said it was difficult to keep their non-cash gaming expenses in check.
At the same time, less than 10% of respondents reported overpaying while paying for these services with cash. It should be mentioned that in Great Britain, cashless payment for services related to land-based casino amusement is now outlawed.
At least when it comes to the internal currency of land-based casinos, known as chips, which players, especially gamblers, perceive as not real or not real money and are therefore more convenient to part with and use for placing sizeable bets, the results of analysts are clear-cut and understandable.